Etruscan period
The Agricultural Estate of San Cresci in Valcava has been populated by the Etruscans since the 400-300 B.C. documented by the findings, on the Giovi's Mountain, on whose slopes lies the Estate, of the findings of significant settlements whose excavations are still in progress by the Superintendency for Archaeological Heritage.

The agricultural estate of San Cresci, larger than the current one, in the 1000s became the property of a noble family of Marchesi who from the first residence of Vitignano built the Spedale complex in the 14th century and in 1500 the Villa today called “La Quiete ".
The property was maintained until 1750 when two daughters of the Marquises brought it as a dowry to the "Montalve Sisters" of which they became Ancille, so that upon their death the entire estate passed into the heritage of the Montalve congregation.
In 1992 the Congregation of the Montalve dissolved and all the real estate with D.M. 15/09/1992 n.3400 passes to the University of Florence.
The University of Florence, after having carried out several tenders for the sale of the Montalve real estate assets, assigns the entire estate in October 2015 to the Agricultural Company San Cresci Srl.
In this estate the existing buildings are for the most part subject to restrictions as per law n.42 / 2004 for which the right of first refusal to the State of 60 days provided by the same law and on 10.10.2015 was granted. Again with the deed of the notary public Santoro Michele was signed the final deed of settlement that no public administration having the right exercised the aforementioned pre-emption for which the transfer of ownership was recorded in the public registers.
Since that date, Agricola San Cresci Srl Società Agricola has started gradual recovery
of the estate.
The Manor
now called
“La Quiete”

Roman and medieval period
After the Etruscans the area had passed by the Romans and in the opposite direction by Hannibal with its Elephants.
In 280 D.C. Saint Cresci is beheaded, the Christianizer of Mugello recognized and killed for his failure to repudiate his Faith. (keep reading...)
In the following year 281 a.d. Saint Cerbone his successor was beheaded for the same reasons. At Sagginale on the Sieve river the bridge that crosses it is still today called the "Hannibal Bridge" and the road that climbs from Sagginale to Saint Cresci is a Roman road that continued to Florence - Sienna - Viterbo - Rome. After the Middle Ages the Estate gave birth to a noble family of Marchesi.

Renaissance age
The agricultural estate of San Cresci appears to have belonged since 12th century to a noble family of Marchesi.
Their first settlement was in Vitignano in 12th century to move to Spedale in 14th century and finally in 16th century to Villa la Quiete, as today we find with a farm next to it, a farmhouse and a church. In 1449 it appears that the Marquises were saved from the plague, which struck Florence reaping countless victims, because they took refuge on their Agricola estate in San Cresci in Valcava.
The noble family of the Marquises held the property until the mid-18th century when the two daughters of Ferdinando, Elisabetta and Caterina entered the convent at the Montalve (1759) bringing in dowry all the property of SAN CRESCI, larger than the one remaining today. The two sisters disappeared in 1770 and the Estate remained of
Montalve property.
The Montalve Sisters
The Montalve sisters are born following the work carried out by the Venerable Eleonora Ramirez de Montalvo born on July 6, 1602. in Genoa. After the first experience from 1611 to 1620 in the monastery of the Poor Clares of Sant 'Jacopo in Via Ghibellina in Florence and the marriage to Orazio Landi, a Florentine patrician, in 1626 he gathered a group of orphan and poor girls, the first nucleus of the Pious house of the girls of the Holy Sacrament.
In 1646 he officially founded the Congregation for the Education of Noble Girls of the "Minima Ancille della SS Vergine" also called "Della Divina Incarnazione" in the Conventino in Florence. In 1650 he inaugurated the Conservatorio delle Signore Montalve based in the Villa "La Quiete" in Florence decorated with frescoes by Giovanni da San Giovanni of 1633, commissioned by Cristina di Lorena, among which "La Quiete that pacifies the winds", which from the name to the Villa. In 1659 Eleonora di Montalvo died in the Villa la Quiete in Florence on 10 August where she was buried in the church of the Convent. After the death of Eleonora di Montalvo, the disciples continued their education for the daughters of the noble families until the years following the end of World War II and arrived at the
1990s when the congregation dissolves due to the loss of vocations.
In these 300 years and more the presence in the Ancilles of the Marquis sisters Caterina and Elisabetta entered in 1759-1770 bringing the Manor of San Cresci in Valcava of Borgo San Lorenzo (Florence) as a dowry to the Congregation.

The Montalve Sisters were recognized as a Public Education Establishment in 1815 a
following the economic and war situation resulting from the French revolutionary movements ended with
the restoration after the exile of
Napoleon Bonaparte.

The University of Florence
With Ministerial Decree 15.9.1992 registered at the Court of Auditors on 9.12.1992 the assets of the Congregation of the Montalve composed of active and passive elements was transferred to the University of Florence. Registered office: Via Guido Rossa 8 - 50032 Borgo San Lorenzo - Florence Operational headquarters: Via San Cresci 31 - 50032 San Cresci Borgo San Lorenzo - Florence, VAT number: IT 05796660487 – info@agricolasancresci.it.
Once the ownership of the San Cresci estate was acquired, the University of Florence had at first assumed the idea of relocating some institutes of the Faculty of Agriculture, but over time, the narrowness of the available funds changed the original approach and started the process of disposal.
On December 27th 2002 and February 28, 2003 the University Board of Directors approved the sale of the building complex of the San Cresci estate in Valcava di Borgo San Lorenzo (FI). After the experiment of two public auctions, the Board of Directors of the University, with a resolution dated 15.12.2006, also rejected the two offers received, following the publication of a sale notice by private treaty, as they were deemed inconsistent. On 28.9.2007 the Board of Directors of the University of Florence has accepted the offer formulated by Agricola San Cresci Srl following a public tender.
Due to the dispute between the University and an abusive occupant of a farmhouse and surrounding land, the compromise between the University and Agricola San Cresci Srl was stipulated on November 11, 2013 with entry held from December 7, 2013. In the period of time, from 1992 to 2013, over 20 years the Estate was abandoned and thus subjected to vandalism, and the buildings were damaged and deprived of the most significant parts.
It is now necessary to proceed to a deep recovery intervention to bring the Estate back to its usability and splendor of the past.
To make it economically viable it is necessary to carry out significant renovations of the buildings, land and forests, existing access routes to adapt them to the current safety standards. The interventions will in any case be aimed at safeguarding the existing habitat to regenerate the lost environment and restore economic sustainability for the new inhabitants of the Estate.
Agricola San Cresci Srl Agricultural Company
In September 2007 the Agricultural Company San Cresci Srl Agricultural Company was awarded the tender for the purchase of the homonymous Agricultural Estate consisting of 657 ha. about land and woods and 12,000 square meters of buildings between those of the Villa la Quiete complex and 4 farmhouses around the Villa and 4 more in more central parts of the Estate.
Only on November 11, 2013 a compromise was signed for the transfer of ownership and the release in possession following the difficulties caused by the release of the estate by persons and property of an occupant without title legitimately of the Ontaneta farmhouse with the land surrounding Villa La Quiete.
The Agricola San Cresci Srl Agricultural Company has started the recovery project of the entire estate to economically sustainable activities to revive the existing villages to those interested in returning to live in harmony with nature.
As part of this project, the Villa la Quiete resort is intended for accommodation for those who want to experience "well-living" experiences in a place that is able to recover the energy lost in the stress of everyday life. .
The Villa la Quiete resort has been sub-granted in free use for 30 years to the Fondazione Europea Cammino Futuro Onlus for the purpose of recovery and restructuring in a receptive center for research, studies and experiences to be handed down to the new generations for the good life with the good practices.

The Fondazione Europea Cammino Futuro Onlus
We have now reached the present day and the Villa la Quiete real estate complex in San Cresci has been granted for thirty years to the Fondazione Europea Cammino Onlus. This Foundation has been recognized as an NGO by the Revenue Office of the Regional Directorate of Tuscany with effect from November 11, 2013 registration number 41.505 of the ONLUS Registry.
The Foundation has developed the preliminary project for the recovery of the building complex and presented it to the Municipality of Borgo San Lorenzo (Florence).
This project was approved by the Council Commission of the Municipality of Borgo San Lorenzo in March 2014. The procedural procedure now provides for approval by the Tuscany Region and the
Superintendency of environmental and cultural heritage. The entire process is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.
The copy of the project was presented to the Municipality of Borgo San Lorenzo. The project involves the recovery and renovation of the building complex for approximately 5,200 square meters of floor space on different levels as existing.
Essential features of the Agricola San Cresci srl agricultural company
The Agricultural Company Agricola San Cresci Srl was established on November 20th, 2007 by notary act Roberto Romoli of Florence and registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Florence number REA FI 576067 Tax Code: 05796660487. The registered office is in Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) Via Guido Rossa n.8..
The corporate purpose is that provided for by Article 5 of the company bylaws The duration is scheduled until December 31, 2030 unless extended.
The company is managed by a Board of Directors currently composed of 8 members in office for an indefinite period..
The Chairman of the current Board of Directors is Bruno Dei..

The memory
of the hands
Change your life: decide your future!
Centro San Cresci, a world of sensory emotions and the value of healthy relationships.
Finally home!

If you wish to receive more detailed information about one or more Farmhouse (s)
write an email to info@agricolasancresci.it specifying the name of the Farmhouse (s)
of your interest. Thank you!
European Way Foundation Onlus

In the analysis of solutions to the current crisis we must take inspiration from the many good practices already implemented in the search for sustainable lifestyles.
Experiences that provide concrete and replicable answers. We are now in a phase of radical changes and we must take advantage of it to give voice to these practices, but we need a physical place to do research and training and where we can meet to exchange knowledge and information, collect the experiences already developed and re-launch them with greater vigor.
We need a propulsion center, where we can structure and spread a new economic and cultural thought that leads our companies to embark on a path towards lifestyles that are fully sustainable and respectful of the ecosystem that surrounds us.
We want to create a Center, a replicable model, that is inspiring for other Centers, similar in Europe, in order to create a widespread network that gives even greater strength to our proposals.
This is the purpose that led us to establish the Fondazione Europea Cammino Futuro. The time has come to create a place to reason at a systemic level to aggregate good practices, activate virtuous circuits and implement change.
To build the Center we launched the fundraising campaign We build the San Cresci Center.
San Cresci: a driving force for the dissemination of good practices for research, training and meetings.
San Cresci is located 35 km north of Florence, in the Mugello area. A paradise surrounded by greenery, a good retreat for all those looking for a serene oasis without getting too far from the city of Florence - (Italy)
The Mugello area is easily accessible by the A1 motorway exiting at the Barberino del Mugello tollbooth, entering the 551 state road following the signs for Borgo San Lorenzo in the San Cresci area.
For those who prefer to travel by train to Borgo San Lorenzo, there is a train station and a bus that reaches San Cresci in 10 minutes.
For people coming from far away in Florence there is the airport with shuttle service that connects to the Florence Santa Maria Novella railway station.
To reach San Cresci with the satellite navigator it is necessary to set as destination San Cresci at via San Cresci 31 - Loc. San Cresci of Borgo San Lorenzo - Florence (Italy).


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